The accepted formats are the LAS format for point clouds (when creating the project) and the TIFF format for digital models (once the project is created). To create a project on Lidarvisor, you must import a point cloud in LAS format. This is a data format commonly used to represent a point cloud generated from a laser (LASer) scan or generated through photogrammetry. Many software packages allow you to export to this data format (e.g., DJI Terra, Terrascan, Global Mapper, Metashape, Pix4D…). The LAZ format (compressed LAS) is not accepted at the moment.

For more information on the LAS format, you can visit this site: https://www.asprs.org/divisions-committees/lidar-division/laser-las-file-format-exchange-activities

The import time depends on the size of the LAS file. For example, for a 1 GB LAS file, it will take about 10 minutes to complete the import. The file import includes both the data transfer across the network and optimization time to allow smooth visualization on the web.

If you encounter a technical problem, such as a file error, you can contact support by email using the contact form on the side, and you will receive a response within 24 hours.

As a freemium user, you can import LAS files up to 5 GB and have a total storage space of 5 GB. Do not hesitate to contact our sales service using the contact form on the side to import larger files.

When your project is created, you can share it with your colleagues. To do this, once logged in to Lidarvisor, you need to click the “Share” button (at the top right) and copy the project access link. People with this link will be able to view your project, including the point clouds and digital models that make up the project. However, they will not be able to download the files. This is read-only consultation.

To suggest an improvement, we invite you to contact the support service, using the contact form on the side. All suggestions are welcome!

On Lidarvisor, we offer the following visualization modes: color (RGB), intensity, class, and elevation. By expanding the point cloud (in the left sidebar), you can also filter points by class. The represented classes are the standard classes of the LAS format.

When importing your LAS file, if we cannot detect the coordinate system of the file, you are then asked to select the coordinate system from a list provided. Each country may have one or more official systems. In addition, there are also international systems. The search can be done by text or directly via the EPSG code if you know it.

Segmentation is the process of grouping point clouds into multiple homogeneous regions with similar properties as ground, vegetation, building…

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Create a project uploading your point cloud in LAS format then eventually upload your DTM and vector data.